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Current Job Exports list

As of 2023, Orbitas supports these Standard and Premium Job Exports.

What is a Standard Job Export?

A Standard  job format is an interchange format that an Orbitas field job can be imported from or exported to. Upon request, each format will be added to an Orbitas Subscription and can then be optionally redistributed by a Pro (or Subscription Administrator) to Groups within that Subscription.

Standard Exports will look the same for all users. Each format has unique constraints. Please see the details on the constraints of each format. Should a user desire a standard format that has different constraints/schema from what is listed, it can be requested to be upgraded to a "Premium" format. Please see details on premium formats.

Standard Exports for all users

  1. ESRI Shapefile
  2. Google KMZ
  3. PNEZD (Import and Export)

Additional Standard Exports

For Partner Software Users
  • Partner XML
  • Partner JSON (Import and Export)
For AT&T Contractors
  • Clearion Shapefile Format
  • AutoCad DWG (Formatted for AT&T As-Builts)
For Milsoft Software Users
  • Milsoft GPS and Assembly ASCII Files (this format exports Assemblies and Map Points directly to WindMil software in a .gps and .asm format. Element exports available as well as a premium export)

What is a Premium Job Export?

A Premium Job Export is a format that an Orbitas created job can be exported to or imported from. The difference being that a Premium Job Export carries with it an additional cost. The additional cost will consist of a creation and modification cost, as well as an annual maintenance cost. The benefit to this format is that it is created uniquely for each entity that contracts it, and can save hours of time on data management for Tri-Global clients.

Available Premium Job formats:

(some additional criteria may be necessary)
  • 1 Spatial Internal Feature Format (IFF) 
  • 12d Model
  • Actian Ingres Non-Spatial 
  • Actian Ingres Spatial 
  • Adobe 3D PDF 
  • Adobe Flash (SWF) 
  • Adobe Geospatial PDF 
  • Adobe Illustrator – Avenza MAPublisher 
  • Adobe Illustrator (IEPS) 
  • Adobe Product Representation Compact (PRC) 
  • Aircom ENTERPRISE Map Data/ASSET Data 
  • AIXM 4.5 (Aeronautical Information Exchange Model XML version 4.5) 
  • AIXM 5.x (Aeronautical Information Exchange Model GML) 
  • Amazon Aurora Non-Spatial (MYSQL_AURORA_NONSPATIAL) 
  • Amazon Aurora Spatial (MYSQL_AURORA_SPATIAL) 
  • Amazon DynamoDB 
  • Amazon Redshift 
  • Amazon Redshift Spatial 
  • Apache Parquet 
  • ASPRS LiDAR Data Exchange Format (LAS) 
  • ASTM E57 
  • Australian Asset Design and As Constructed (ADAC) 
  • Autodesk 3ds 
  • Autodesk AutoCAD DWF 
  • Autodesk AutoCAD DWG/DXF 
  • Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D Object Data 
  • Autodesk FBX 
  • Autodesk IMX 
  • Autodesk MapGuide SDL 
  • Autodesk ReCap 
  • Bathymetric Attributed Grid (BAG) 
  • BC MOEP 
  • BC MoF Electronic Submission Framework (ESF) 
  • Bentley MicroStation Design 
  • Bentley MicroStation GeoGraphics 
  • BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) 
  • CADRG (Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphics) 
  • Canadian Council on Geomatics Interchange Format (CCOGIF) 
  • Canadian Digital Elevation Data (CDED) 
  • Caris NTX 
  • CARIS Spatial Archive (CSAR) Point Cloud 
  • CARIS Spatial Archive (CSAR) Raster 
  • CARTO 
  • Cesium 3D Point Cloud 
  • Cesium 3D Tiles 
  • CIB (Controlled Image Base) 
  • CITS Data Transfer Format (QLF) 
  • CityJSON 
  • CKAN DataStore (FME Desktop Package)
  • COLLADA (Collaborative Design Activity) 
  • ComGraphix Data Exchange Format (CGDEF) 
  • CouchDB 
  • CSV (Comma-Separated Value) 
  • Danish UFO 
  • Data File 
  • dBASE (DBF) 
  • DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) 
  • DTED (Digital Terrain Elevation Data) 
  • Dutch Top10 GML 
  • E00 (Esri ArcInfo Coverage/Esri ArcInfo Export) 
  • Elastic Elasticsearch 
  • BC MoF Electronic Submission Framework – (XSD-Driven) 
  • Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) 
  • Epic Games Unreal Datasmith (UDATASMITH) 
  • ER Mapper ECW 
  • ER Mapper ERS 
  • Esri-JSON (Esri JavaScript Object Notation) 
  • Esri .hdr RAW Raster 
  • Esri ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Feature Service 
  • Esri ArcGIS Portal Feature Service 
  • Esri ArcInfo Generate 
  • Esri ASCII Grid 
  • Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb Mosaic Dataset) 
  • Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb Raster Dataset) 
  • Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb) 
  • Esri Geodatabase (File Geodb Open API) 
  • Esri Indexed 3D Scene Layer (I3S) 
  • Esri Knowledge 
  • Esri Mapping Specification for CAD (MSC) 
  • Facet XDR 
  • File Copy 
  • FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) 
  • FME Augmented Reality (FME AR) 
  • FME Augmented Reality (FME AR) (Deprecated)
  • FME Feature Store (FFS) 
  • FME Server Automations 
  • Garmin GDB 
  • Garmin GPI 
  • Garmin MapSource 
  • Garmin POI 
  • Generic (Any Format) 
  • GeoConcept Map 
  • General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) 
  • GeoJSON (Geographic JavaScript Object Notation) 
  • GeoRSS/RSS Feed 
  • GeoTIFF (Georeferenced Tagged Image File Format) 
  • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) 
  • GIF Rasterizer 
  • glTF (GL Transmission Format) 
  • Golden Software Surfer Binary Grid 
  • Google BigQuery
  • Google Cloud Spanner 
  • Google Cloud SQL Non-Spatial (MYSQL_GOOGLE_DB) 
  • Google Cloud SQL Spatial (MYSQL_GOOGLE) 
  • Google Fusion Tables (Non-Spatial) (Service Ended December 3, 2019)
  • Google Sheets 
  • Google Sheets v4 (FME Desktop Package)
  • Google WebP 
  • GPS eXchange Format (GPX) 
  • Graphic Technologies, Inc. (GTI) GTViewer 
  • Halliburton GeoGraphix CDF 
  • HERE Venue Map (GML) 
  • HTML 
  • HYPACK Border 
  • IBM Cloudant 
  • IBM DB2/Db2 Warehouse on Cloud Non-Spatial 
  • IBM DB2/Db2 Warehouse on Cloud Spatial 
  • IBM DB2 Non-Spatial (JDBC) 
  • IBM Informix Non-Spatial 
  • IBM Informix Non-Spatial (JDBC) 
  • IBM Informix Spatial 
  • IBM Netezza Spatial and Non-Spatial 
  • IBM PASW (SPSS) .sav 
  • IDRISI Raster 
  • IDRISI Vector Format 
  • Indoor Mapping Data Format (IMDF) 
  • Industry Foundation Class STEP/XML Files (IFC) 
  • InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (ISCE) 
  • Intergraph FRAMME Standard Exchange Format (SEF) 
  • Intergraph GeoMedia SQL Server Warehouse 
  • Intergraph MGE 
  • Intergraph Raster 
  • ITT ENVI .hdr Raw Raster 
  • JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) 
  • JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) 
  • JPEG 2000 (GeoJP2/GMLJP2) 
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) 
  • Landmark Z-Map Vector 
  • Landmark Z-Map Grid 
  • LandXML 
  • Leica Independent Data Exchange Format (IDEX) 
  • MapBox MBTiles 
  • MapBox MBTiles Vector Tiles (MVT) 
  • Mapbox Vector Tile (MVT) and MVT Tileset 
  • MapInfo SpatialWare 
  • Marconi PlaNet 
  • MariaDB/SkySQL (MySQL-compatible) Non-Spatial 
  • MariaDB/SkySQL (MySQL-compatible) Spatial 
  • Meta Raster Format (MRF) 
  • Metria AutoKa Transfer File (FF) 
  • Mojang Minecraft 
  • Microsoft Access (JDBC) 
  • Microsoft Access 
  • Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB 
  • Microsoft Azure SQL Database Non-Spatial (JDBC) 
  • Microsoft Azure SQL Database Spatial (JDBC) 
  • Microsoft Azure Storage Table 
  • Microsoft Bitmap (BMP) 
  • Microsoft DirectDraw Surface (DDS) 
  • Microsoft DirectX 
  • Microsoft Excel Reader (XLSXR) and (XLSXW)
  • Microsoft MapPoint Web XML 
  • Microsoft OGDI DataLab 
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 
  • Microsoft SharePoint List 
  • Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database (MSSQL_SPATIAL) Spatial 
  • Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database Non-Spatial (MSSQL_ADO) 
  • Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial (JDBC) 
  • Microsoft SQL Server Spatial (JDBC) 
  • Microsoft Word 
  • MongoDB 
  • MongoDB3 
  • National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) 
  • NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) 
  • NGDC Hydrographic Surveys Data Exchange (HYD93) 
  • NIfTI (Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative) 
  • Northgate StruMap 
  • OBJ 
  • ODBC 3.x 
  • OGC CityGML 
  • OGC CSW (Catalogue Services for the Web) 
  • OGC GeoPackage 
  • OGC GeoPackage Tiles 
  • OGC GML (Geography Markup Language) 
  • OGC GML v2.1.2 (Geography Markup Language) 
  • OGC GML SF-0 (Geography Markup Language Simple Features Level SF-0 Profile) 
  • OGC/Google KML 
  • OGC IndoorGML 
  • OGP P1/90 Post Plot Positioning Data 
  • OpenSceneGraph (OSGB/OSGT) 
  • OpenStreetMap (OSM) XML 
  • Oracle Autonomous Non-Spatial 
  • Oracle Autonomous Spatial Object 
  • Oracle Non-Spatial 
  • Oracle Spatial GeoRaster 
  • Oracle Spatial Object 
  • Oracle Spatial Point Cloud 
  • Oracle Spatial Relational 
  • Oracle SQL Loader 
  • PCD (Point Cloud Data) 
  • PCI Geomatics Database File (PCIDSK) 
  • PenMetrics GRD 
  • Pixar USD (Universal Scene Description) 
  • PNG (Portable Network Graphics) 
  • PNG Rasterizer 
  • Point Cloud XYZ (POINTCLOUDXYZ) 
  • Pointools POD 
  • PostGIS (Raster) 
  • PostGIS 
  • PostgreSQL 
  • Precisely MapInfo Extended TAB 
  • Precisely MapInfo MIF/MID 
  • Precisely MapInfo TAB (EFAL) (Technology Preview)
  • Precisely MapInfo TAB (MAPINFO/MITAB) 
  • Precisely MapInfo Vertical Mapper Grid (NGrid) 
  • Presagis .flt (OPENFLIGHT) 
  • QVX (QlikView Data Exchange) 
  • R Statistical Data (RData) Array as Raster 
  • R Statistical Data (RData) Non-Spatial 
  • R Statistical Raster Data (RRASTER) .grd 
  • Regional Geographic Information System (REGIS) 
  • Salesforce 
  • SAP HANA and Cloud Platform HANA Service Non-Spatial 
  • SAP HANA and Cloud Platform HANA Service Spatial 
  • SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 
  • SAS (Statistical Analysis System) 
  • SeabedML (GML) 
  • SEG-Y 
  • SGI Image 
  • Smallworld 3 
  • Smallworld 4/5 
  • Snowflake Non-Spatial 
  • Snowflake Spatial 
  • Socrata DataSync 
  • Socrata2(FME Desktop Package)
  • SpatiaLite 
  • SQLite 
  • SQLite Spatial (GDAL) (SpatiaLite)
  • STAR-APIC Mercator MCF 
  • STL (Standard Triangle/Tessellation Language) 
  • Sun Raster 
  • SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) 
  • Swedish I2K/G2K (Interface 2000 GML) 
  • Swedish KF85 
  • Swedish Masik 
  • Swiss INTERLIS (ili2fme) 
  • Tableau Data Extract (TDE) 
  • Replaced by Tableau Hyper 
  • Tableau Hyper 
  • Teradata Non-Spatial 
  • Teradata Spatial 
  • Terrasolid TerraScan 
  • TetGen 
  • Text Feature Store (TFS) Fixed Schema 
  • Text Feature Store (TFS) Variable Schema 
  • Text File 
  • TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) 
  • TomTom POI 
  • TopoJSON (Topology JavaScript Object Notation) 
  • Trimble SketchUp 
  • Unfolded Data (FME Desktop Package)
  • U.S. Geological Survey Digital Elevation Model (USGSDEM) 
  • UK OS MasterMap Greenspace Layer (GML) 
  • UK OS MasterMap Highways Network (GML) 
  • UK OS MasterMap Sites Layer (GML) 
  • UK OS MasterMap Topography Layer (GML) 
  • UK OS MasterMap Water Network (GML) 
  • Vector Markup Language (VML) 
  • Vector Product Format (VPF) Coverage and Database 
  • VOIV (VoxelGeo OpenInventor) 
  • X11 Pixmap (XPM) 
  • X3Dand VRML 
  • XML (Extensible Markup Language) 
  • XSD-Driven XML 
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  • User Guide
  • Support Documents
  • F.A.Q
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