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Resource Management System

“The product has increased efficiency in asset collection and management across the different utilities we provided services for. Tri-Global has always been responsive and excellent at assisting with any troubleshooting and platform upgrades as needed.”
- KS, Quanta Telecom Services
“Higher dependability, better customer service, easier data transfers, and quicker data turn-around. Everyone at Tri-Global has been very helpful over the years as we have grown from just a couple units to 10 units.”
- KA, Pig Logistics
“We have 5 Engineering Coordinators, one at each district office, and one engineer. These units are used by all GPS work orders for mapping. In addition, the Asteri X3 allows us to use these units to stake larger jobs more precisely and without additional help. These are also used to stake/map subdivisions, TDOT projects, and any other surveying that may be necessary.”
- JK, Southwest Tennessee EMC

Configurations that create efficient work flows.

Configurations are the core of Orbitas, offering personalized collection forms to fit your work flow needs.
Create multiple configurations to easily deploy to field crews for efficient asset management.

Completely customize and control your asset data collection. Store location photos, and collect other work flow specific data. Create templates within the Orbitas Field app for even greater efficiency.

Standard and Premium job export formats.

Convert Orbitas jobs into multiple formats for importing and exporting of data to aid in work flow functionality.

Upon request, each standard format will be added to an Orbitas Subscription and can then be optionally redistributed by a Pro (or Subscription Administrator) to groups within that Subscription.

Premium Job Exports are formats that an Orbitas created job can be exported to or imported into. The benefit to this format is that it is created uniquely for each entity that contracts it, and can save hours of time on data management for Tri-Global clients.

Perform advanced calculations from the field.

Create offset locations for assets that cant be reached easily. Perform line bisects, calculate angels, and create span-offs. Precisely navigate to previously collected locations for inventory inspections, or re-staking.
*advanced calculations require active connection to the internet.


1 - 4 Licenses




Small Team

5 - 9 Licenses




Large Team

10 - 19 Licenses





20 - 49 Licenses





50+ Licenses

Contact for pricing


Contact for pricing

No Contract

1 License




Compare the Orbitas Licenses


For iOS and Android
  1. Use Integrated Location Services
  2. View Google Maps background
  3. Connect to Asteri GNSS Receivers
  4. Apply NTRIP Services 
  5. Collect Generic Utility Feature Data
  6. Create PDF of Utility Job
  7. Access to Orbitas FAQ pages 
  8. Works with compatible Locators


For iOS
  1. Includes everything in Field
  2. Perform advanced Orbitas Field Actions
  3. View Orbitas Projects 
  4. Eligible for Orbitas Correct add-on
  5. Perform Angle and Angle Biscet 
  6. Perform Navigation features 
  7. Perform SpanOff features 
  8. Utilize ASP Grid View


For iOS
  1. Includes everything in Basic
  2. One custom Configuration consultation
  3. "Simple" or "Dynamic" utility line support
  4. Eligible for Orbitas Projects add-on*
  5. Import Jobs to Orbitas RMS*
  6. Export Jobs from Orbitas RMS
  7. Send Jobs to Orbitas Field user
  8. Upload from Orbitas Field
Download the Orbitas RMS brochure

Premium Add-ons for Orbitas Pro & Basic


For iOS & Android


*with annual contract / per user
*requires one Orbitas Basic or Pro license

Subscription Administrator

For iOS


*per user / per month
*requires one Orbitas Basic or Pro license
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