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Projects Manager

Unlock new possibilities with Projects Manager!

*Import external data sets

Import Jobs

Dispatch Orbitas Projects to Orbitas Field Users

Multi-Project storage and management

Edit Features directly within Orbitas Project

Edit Layers and Symbology directly within Orbitas Projects

*Export Orbitas Projects

Additional Information about Orbitas Projects Manager

  • An Orbitas Projects Manager is a new feature that allows any user to Adminsiter Orbitas Projects.
  • If an Orbitas Projects Manager is added to a User with no other licenses, they will only be able to manage their own custom data for import into Projects.
  • If an Orbitas Projects Manager is added to a Orbitas Pro User, they will be able to manage their own custom import data as well as any Jobs uploaded by themselves.
  • If an Orbitas Projects Manager is added to a Subscription Administrator, they will be able to manage their own custom imported data, as well as any User's job within their subscription.
  • Orbitas Projects Managers cannot be added to a Group Administrator because Projects are tracked on the Subscription level.
  • *Format limitations apply, See included formats for full details.
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Orbitas Projects

  • Technical Support
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