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Getting Started 1

This video discusses how to create a username and password for a new Orbitas user, how to assign an Orbitas Field license to that user and finally how to dispatch a custom configuration to the user.


Getting Started 2

This video discussing how to install Orbitas Field to an iOS device and then use a Username/Password Combination to log in.


Connecting the Asteri

This video shows how to connect both the original BLE (or low energy bluetooth) Asteri as well as the newer MFI (or Made for iOS) version of Asteri receivers to Orbitas for iOS.


Collecting a Location

How to collect a basic location with Orbitas.


Understanding Parenting Feature

How to change a location "parent", choose "no parent", use parents in conjunction with different line types, and how to utilize a configuration that has a "not on line" feature.


Collecting Stations- Method I

Orbitas Field offers multiple methods for collecting "Stations" or "Vertices". Stations are configuration based, and can be applied in multiple scenarios. Method 1.


Collecting Stations Method II

Orbitas Field offers multiple methods for collecting "Stations" or "Vertices". Stations are configuration based, and can be applied in multiple scenarios. Method 2.


Collecting Stations Method III

Orbitas Field offers multiple methods for collecting "Stations" or "Vertices". Stations are configuration based, and can be applied in multiple scenarios. Method 3.


Span Off Method I

This video describes using the Span Off feature within the Orbitas Field software for lining in poles. This is one of two methods available. This feature REQUIRES internet connectivity to run the calculations. Tri-Global recommends using the Asteri Xi3 precision kit for the most accurate Span Off calculations.


Span Off Method II

This video describes using the Span Off feature within the Orbitas Field software for lining in poles. This is one of two methods available. This feature REQUIRES internet connectivity to run the calculations. Tri-Global recommends using the Asteri Xi3 precision kit for the most accurate Span Off calculations.


Utilizing Grid Feature

This features allows the user to view the XYZ values of a collected position, the Line Bearing, and Line Segment length.


Orbitas Module within Partner Field Designer

How to send a Partner Job to Orbitas Field utilizing the new Partner Orbitas Module for 4.3x. We then modify that job, and import it back into Partner software.


Partner Import from XML file

How to import a job from Orbitas RMS over into Partner staking, by utilizing the old MobileStaker XML import method.


Asteri X3 and VLoc Pro3

How to connect an Asteri X3 MFi GNSS receiver and a VLoc Pro3 locator to Orbitas Field on iOS.


Creating an Orbitas Job from XLS file

This Video shows creating a Waypoint file with www.geoplaner.com. We then translate the downloaded XML file into an Orbitas formatted XLS file. From there, we simply import the XLS file into Orbitas RMS and dispatch it to the Field.


Config Builder and Image Picker

How to use the Subscription Administrator UI to create a new Configuration. Plus, how to use Image Picker, a new Orbitas Field control type that allows users to select an existing Photo or Drawing from the iOS device and attach it to a point.


Dynamic Lines

How to utilize our Dynamic Lines with a very specific NiS Line Exposure configuration.

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