1. Now VIEW a collected job directly inside of Orbitas RMS without having to export!
We know you have been asking for this feature for years, well here it is! Complete with:
Flow arrows to show line direction/parenting.
Attachments (photos or drawings collected with Orbitas Field).
Google Map and Google Street Views.
Feature attributes.
Symbology from configurations.
Ability to turn layers on and off.
View a collected job directly inside Orbitas RMS
2. Enhanced Backgrounds, with the ability to set thresholding directly inside Orbitas RMS.
3. Enhanced Configurations, with the ability to:
See who a configuration has been dispatched to.
Modify a configuration directly within Orbitas RMS.
Apply a brand new “Style Set” to configurations.
Change out a Partner style Filter tree as a Subscription Manager.
Enhanced Configurations screen
4. Move jobs between user groups as a Subscription Administrator.
5. Enhancement to licensing to allow a Subscription Administrator to see a user’s role and license in a more intuitive fashion.
These updates open the door for many more highly requested features moving forward, and we are excited to increase the power of Orbitas while maintaing the ease of use you've come to expect.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at support@triglobal.net.
Orbitas RMS will be moving to version 3.x. This is a huge rewrite of the underlying architecture to make your experience more robust and useful. Here are just some of the new features you will find in version 3.x