The only method supported for accessing and downloading photos by default is through the online viewer!
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If you are interested in alternate methods of retrieving photos (such as imbedding in a KMZ or through a mass download, please contact your Tri-Global representative for professional services.
Access your job through the standard Orbitas RMS Job Screen and click on the job desired to open the Job Map.
Select the Location with the associated Item and click "View Attachment"
Right Clicking on View Attachment and selecting "Open in New Window" is "blocked" because it would make the photo URL public and constitutes a data security breach.
Right Click on the opened image and select "Save Image As" from the pop-up.
Choose where to download your photo!
You can now open the full size image in any photo editing software.
Notice every Orbitas Attachment/Photo is water marked on the top with the day and time the photo was taken (taken in local time from the iOS device).
The Latitude, Longitude, Altitude (HAE in meters) and True North direction the device was facing when the image was taken across the bottom of the photo