In Orbitas Mobile (Version 1.0.21 and Later)
There is a new photo upload setting. This is found by going to the standard Orbitas settings (globe with sprocket icon) and then clicking on General Settings.
On versions Previous to 1.0.21, Photo Sync was set to "automatically" upload photos any time Orbitas Mobile was open. For normal operations, this function worked fine.
However, In instances where numerous photos are being taken per location (custom unit form) or the internet connection is poor in the field. The Automatic Photo Sync feature could fail.
Therefore, it is now "OFF" by default. Users wishing to take advantage of the Auto sync feature, can simply turn this "ON" before collecting a photo.
-Limited amount of photos
-Areas with great internet connectivity ( in the field )
-Small jobs or light workload
-Large amount of photos
-Areas of poor or no internet connectivity ( in the field )
-Photo inventory jobs or other large scale jobs
To turn on "auto-sync" go the standard Orbitas settings and then select General Settings.
Within General Settings, you will find features like:
Integrated Location Services
Tap to Place
Play Audio
"Automatic Photo Sync"
Photos that were not uploaded via "Automatic Photo Sync" or were taken before turning the feature "ON" will appear as a Red photo icon next to the job.
In order to upload Photos that have not Auto Sync'd, simply hold down on the red camera icon for (3) seconds (once on a strong WiFi signal).
The Photo Que will display showing the number of photos that must be uploaded.
Click "Start Uploading" to begin.
Photos Remaining: 0 is shown once all photos have been uploaded.
Pressing Back will now show a green camera icon.