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Pairing an Asteri GNSS receiver to Orbitas Field

Orbitas Field supports both the Asteri X-Series BLE model and the Asteri Xi-Series (MFi) models. Learn more about the differences in the Asteri X-Series Overview

Connecting and Pairing to the Asteri Xi-Series (MFi)

Turn on the Asteri receiver and place in clear view of the sky before you begin pairing to your iOS device.

This will allow the receiver to acquire a good position fix while you complete the pairing process.

On your iOS device (iPhone, iPad, etc..) go into the MAIN SETTINGS and ensure BlueTooth is ON.
Look for “ASTERI-(last 3 of SN)” in the list of Nearby Devices, and select it to connect.

It should now say “Connected” next to the receiver name.

You will know the receiver is paired when the BT light on the receiver turns ON.

Now launch Orbitas for iOS and click on the GLOBE & GEAR Icon.

Ensure Integrated Location Services (ILS) is turned OFF.

Create or open a job and you should notice a colored teardrop icon on your map screen.

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The Location Icon and associated values are below.

RED: A red icon indicates that you do not have an Asteri GNSS connected or that you have fewer than 4 satellites visible.
There are two ways to tell the difference:

Does the Accuracy Indicator state "Sats: 0" or is there a number next to it?
Your Asteri GNSS receiver may need more time to track satellites. Please wait a few minutes. If it continues, please see the next steps below.
If the Accuracy Indicator continues to read "Sats:0," does the Settings screen state "No Asteri Connected" (only valid with MFi series Asteri receivers)?
Click the "No Asteri Connected" button to reconnect.

If still unsuccessful, reference the Failure to Connect (iOS) support notes. If your Asteri device still cannot connect, please see the next steps below.

Within the Real Time Settings screen, can you see raw NMEA data being streamed accompanied by an Asteri "status?"
If no, you may be experiencing a problem with Bluetooth connectivity. Reference the Failure to Connect (iOS) support notes.


ORANGE: An orange icon indicates "Autonomous" or uncorrected GNSS data. Tri-Global  recommends waiting for a DGNSS correction at minimum (yellow icon).

However, with the all new Asteri X4i, even an autonomous signal can yield sub-meter precisions.

*Use with caution. Multipath can significantly affect uncorrected positions.

YELLOW: A yellow icon represents DGPS correction (usually SBAS).

Most SBAS positions will yield sub-meter results with the Asteri X2, X3, or X4i devices. The Asteri X4i will yield extremely good sub-meter results, especially with the multi-frequency external antenna. However, sub-foot estimated precision values are possible even with the Asteri X4i internal antenna.

BLUE: A blue icon indicates Satellite Assisted Orbitas Correct "Converging" and is only available while using the Asteri X4i.

The converging status means that the Asteri X4i is using the Orbitas Correct provided RTK position to "converge" the onboard PPP (Precise Point Positioning) datum and results. Even though the estimated precisions are good while converging, it is recommended to wait approximately 2-5 minutes for the results to "fix" before collecting.

BLUE LOCKED: The locked blue icon indicates that Satellite Assisted Orbitas Correct has "*fixed." This is the second most accurate status that can be achieved.

*Once fixed, the Asteri receiver should continue to achieve sub-foot or better precisions, even after the loss of internet connection.

GREEN: A green icon represents a "Float RTK" solution.

In previous Orbitas versions, a green icon represented RTK with no differentiator of Fixed or Float. It is important to note that Orbitas Correct 10cm (released October 2024) may never "Fix."

GREEN LOCKED: The green locked indicates a Fixed RTK solution; this is the most accurate status available for Orbitas Correct.

It is the only method available to truly achieve "centimeter" results with Orbitas Correct or local RTK solutions. Note the "sub-inch" estimated precision in the example below.

Tr-Global recommends using the multi-frequency external antenna when using Orbitas Correct. When using only the Asteri device's internal antenna and RTK, the Float solution can sometimes degrade the precision values.

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Connecting and Pairing to the Asteri X-Series (BLE)

Turn on and place the Asteri receiver in clear view of the sky before launching Orbitas Field. This will allow the receiver time to acquire a good position fix while you get your job setup.

Now launch Orbitas Field on your iOS device and click on the Globe and Gear Icon. Ensure Integrated Location Services (ILS) is turned OFF. Create or open a job and you should notice a colored teardrop icon on your map screen. The colors indicate the following status:

RED: The receiver has yet to acquire a signal. Once acquired, the sat L.E.D on the Asteri will turn on (similar to the Bluetooth L.E.D) and one of the below icons will be displayed in Orbitas.
ORANGE: Orbitas is connected to the Asteri and receiving autonomous GNSS positions (uncorrected data- check accuracy level before collection)
YELLOW: Orbitas is connected to the Asteri and receiving SBAS real-time corrections (ensure accuracy is sufficient before collecting)
GREEN: Orbitas is connected to the Asteri and receiving ATLAS real-time corrections or HPRTK corrections (requires subscription to service)

You will know the receiver is paired when the BT light on the receiver turns on.

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