WARNING: Tri-Global does not recommend charging an Asteri GNSS receiver in an environment that is not temperature controlled.
WARNING: Charging an Asteri X-Series ( BLE ) model receiver while the device is powered on. Charging while in a vehicle may result in power surges that damage the circuitry.
Not sure if you have an Asteri BLE or Asteri MFI? Refer to the Asteri Xi-Series Overview support note.
Tri-Global does offer a vehicle charger that can be purchased at the Tri-Global Marketplace. However, Tri-Global recommends the use of an external battery charger.
The Asteri external battery charger (PN 008-0000-0009) can be used with a DC adapter or inverter to charge a spare battery while the primary battery is in use.
Alternatively, a universal charger may be used. Tri-Global recommends the Re-Fuel Universal Charger by DigiPower.